Crematorium Info
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Our firm has a team of experienced carers to look after your pet’s pick up and cremation. We have developed procedures to ensure the highest level of care for your beloved pet and guarantee that you receive back only the ashes of your pet. There is no governing body in Australia to accredit Pet Crematorium firms, so it is up to you as a pet owner to make your own investigations.
Pets R.I.P. has multiple specially designed vehicles having ambulance stretchers in each and are all fitted out to transfer pets with dignity which also means we service all homes & vets quickly in all our service areas. For Equine and extra-large animal pick-ups we have a custom-designed truck to ensure the safety of our team and ensure the care of your pet.
The Pets R.I.P. are a team of devoted pet lovers who are here in your time of need to provide care and compassion in your time of loss.
Pets R.I.P has multiple specially designed vehicles having ambulance stretchers in each which are all fitted out to transfer pets with dignity. Our service and vehicle allow us to service all homes & vets quickly in all our service areas.

Do Firms offer a grief counseling Service:
Not only are we looking after your beloved family member but our dedicated team is available to help and guide your family through this difficult time.
Do Firms offer a large range of Memorials:
At Pets R.I.P. we have a wide range of memorials that your beloved pet can be sent home in, which reflects a more personalised memorial for each pet.