For many dogs, thunderstorms can be a source of fear and anxiety. The loud noises, flashing lights, and changes in the atmosphere can trigger panic in pets, causing them to feel frightened and distressed. However, there are several effective strategies you can use to help keep your dog calm during a storm.

One of the best ways to manage your dog’s fear is to create a safe, secure space in your home. Find a quiet area, such as a bedroom, bathroom, or closet, where your dog can retreat. Ensure the space is enclosed and comfortable, with their favourite blanket, toys, and bed. This safe space helps reduce the noise and flashing lights, offering your dog a more peaceful environment.

Another helpful tool is a calming wrap or vest, which applies gentle pressure to your dog’s body, similar to a hug. Many dogs find this sensation comforting and it can reduce their anxiety during a storm.

Playing calming music or white noise can help drown out the sound of thunder and distract your dog from the storm. Some pet owners also find that turning on the television or playing a soothing playlist designed for dogs can have a calming effect.

You can also try to desensitise your dog to thunderstorms by gradually exposing them to recordings of thunder sounds. Start at a low volume and increase it slowly over time, rewarding your dog with treats and praise as they remain calm.

Staying calm yourself is crucial as dogs can pick up on their owner’s stress. Speak to your dog in a soothing voice and offer gentle reassurance, but avoid over-comforting them, as this can reinforce their fear. By using these strategies, you can help your dog feel more relaxed and secure during thunderstorms.