
I am so thankful you chose my house to hang out at until I could officially rescue you. So thankful you chose me and for all the love you gave me. Always there through good and bad. It was always just us, so easy, so much love. I feel so empty with you gone. The grief so deep. But great grief means great love and that we had. I will love and miss you forever my gorgeous girl.

The old saying of “If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever” is so true. Until we meet again xxxx


We loved you your whole life. We will miss you first the rest of ours. You where our best friend, our protector, our secret keeper, my only girl. Thank you for allowing us 13.5yrs of your company. Love and miss you beyond words.


Our little Layla for 16 years you shared in each one of our lives In different ways, a companion, a soul mate and a friend. We will miss you dearly everyday, love your family.


Not a day goes by that you aren’t on my mind.
No matter how bad my day was you would always managed to make me smile.
I remember coming home late nights from a tough time at work and you be there to make everything feel alright again.
Its been really quiet since you left.
I miss your meows and purrs and the fur you shredded. I wish you were still here by my side. No one will ever replace you, you have a special place in my heart.
Thanks for the best memories.
You were taken too soon. I love you and miss you lots.
Until we meet again, Rest in Peace. ♥️