
17 years in our lives. 17 years of snuggles and love. 17 years of hiding chocolate from you and white and black hair all over the house. 17 years of true friendship and memories 💖.


Goodbye and God bless my little man, you were the most loyal and loving little dog and our hearts are breaking without you.


Leo was born on the 10th March 2002 and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on the 20th April 2023. He was a rescue pet and so so beautiful. He weighed no more than 3kgs his whole life. Very loyal, very smart, very Leo. He loved his teddies and his chewies every morning and his sniff in the park. 21 is a long innings for a little broken man whom was loved from the day we got him. His little body was done but he wanted to stay. Too hard our little buddy. May you be happy in the other side until we meet again. Never will you be forgotten a candle burns until you are home again. Love always


Our hearts heart after having to let our beautiful lilla pass over. She was the best dog right from the first day we got her so gentle and loving and patient. We hope you are running free without pain beautiful girl! Xx


Rest easy, my gorgeous Roxy girl.
Sorely missed.
Forever in my heart.
08/08/2007 – 16/04/2023

Jasper Roy

Jasper Roy you were one of a kind. You will live in our hearts forever. You loved everybody and would always welcome visitors into our home. You were loved more than words can express. You were spoilt, defiant, a character, a protector, a lifesaver and a companion. We will miss you everyday but we know that you are at peace now. 10 years went so fast. Wish we could have had you for 10 more.
Hope u received our wishes for Jasper.


My beautiful Princess originally my son’s cat, spent the last four years of her life with me after his death from cancer. She was a wonderful companion, always by my side. If I spoke to her, she always answered with a meow. She will be sorely missed but I’m pleased she is not suffering any more. Now with the angels and Andrew.


Dexter our beautiful boy loved and cherished always, forever in our hearts.
20.01.2008 – 28.03.2023


Our beautiful Angel has gone from our presence but she is with us in spirit always, Angel was lovely inside and out, so loving and sweet, courageous and brave, eventually her illness caused her too much pain to continue and she needed to walk over that Rainbow Bridge to a place of no pain or sadness, Vale our Angel, our loss is so hard to bear but I would not have caused you another minute of pain.
We love and miss you everyday Mum and Dad xxxx💖💖💖💖


What a find you were. We love you & miss you so much. Thank you for being our boy ♥️