
You have left a lasting impression on our hearts sweet Maisie. ❤️ Run free with the rabbits, cats and dogs.


My best friend Grim you came into our family as a puppy you gave us love and protection you are more than just a family pet you are and always will be our son n family it was so hard losing you it was the hardest thing that I had to do but your out of pain now my big boy mummy loves you n so does the rest of the family your brother butch is lost without you I love you family always n forever


Losing my best mate was devastating. The departure left me feeling heartbroken. I will never forget the memories we shared, and the love he showed me. He was a true companion, and I will always cherish the time we had together. You truly were one of a kind and so special to our family. Rest easy, my Petie boy, you did your job well. I will always love you.


In Loving Memory of Bonnie our beautiful Labradoodle Born Goondiwindi Qld on 2nd July 2012 passed away Wednesday 26th June 2024 We loved you from the start we always will You brought us much love and happiness We will miss you, our gorgeous companion “BONNIE”  R.I.P.


Ozzie/ My Bubby/ Our Little Man/ Nan’s Boy. You were my best friend for 13 years, from our late-night games, too your hugs and our little walks. We miss your snoring and your little strut. Toby and I are very lost without you. I thought we would have had a bit more time together, but your body was ready to go. Rest now and we will see you again one day. We love you xoxo


Little Sparrow was cheeky, funny and always happy – always wanting more ball throws – everything she did was always “the best thing ever”.  She has been taken far too early and it has broken our hearts.

16/4/2020 – 26/6/2024


The best girl ever. We will meet you at the rainbow bridge where it’s free of cancer, thunderstorms and beeping appliances. Thank you for loving us, keeping us safe from courier drivers and making us laugh with your silliness. There is a big German Shepherd shaped hole in our lives. Rest easy my friend x


Dear “Pussa”,
I love you and miss you so much. Thank you for being such a beautiful friend and companion to me for the last 17 years. You helped me to get through some really hard and lonely times and I so loved having your snuggles and cuddles during those times (as well as during the good times). Thank you also for being such a lovely friend to the girls and being such a wonderful part of our family. We all miss your beautiful, loud purr and even how you would wake us all up at midnight for more food!!! We will never forget you. Rest in Peace now my beautiful boy. I love you so, so much.


Love you my sweet baby. I miss you terribly. I miss your unconditional love and your loyalty; you were my small shadow.


Poppy Brown was one in a million. She was a soul dog to my whole family. She supported us through so many tough times and made the good times even better. We are going to miss her every day for the rest of our lives. Fly high Princess PopTop. We love you forever our angel girl.