
Kitty, you were only with us for 10 years. In those years you were loved by all. You gave the best cuddles girl. We will miss you, girl. Please know that Smokey is okay. I know you’re watching down on us all xxx


My princess Angel
My world my heart my love
Our years may have been short but our loving bond is forever I may not be able to see you but I will feel you forever you will be missed.  Mummy, Family & Friends


Lois was head of the family. She was equally a snuggle bug as she was larger than life. She was our fur baby. Lois loved cuddles, any food, swimming, belly rubs, neck massages and being as close to you as possible. We miss everything about having her with us. She was a sister to her brother Normy and just the best girl in the world. Our hearts are broken without her xx


Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. You’ve gained your wings, my boy, and can rest easy. You gave us so much joy and have taken a piece of our hearts with you. We shall miss you every day but will cherish your memories forever.
Love mummy, daddy and Chico x


Forever our favourite little man


To our dear best friend of almost 18years you’ll truely be missed


Lola girl… lollipop, Our Rola.
You always had your ball ready to play, you gave us so much happiness… more than you will ever know  You loved everyone you met and they loved you back -it was impossible not to.
Rest easy our sweet girl, we’ll be up there  to play soon.  We miss you more than words can say, our hearts are so heavy, yet so full  of your beautiful memories.
Love mummy, daddy and trixie xxx
Forever the bestest girl just now with Angel wings.


Dear Chloe,
Thank you for being my best friend and my furry daughter all of the 14 years I had you in my life. You were my first ever furry baby. You were such a kind, sweet feisty little girl with a big personality.  You loved your car rides, spending time with your furry sisters Lola, Lucy and Luna and your Aunty Mel and Mum and Amanda.  Your dad and I will miss you so much until we meet you again someday.  Run free over the rainbow bridge my gorgeous Angel.  Love Mum.


Our beautiful BlueBlue ♥️
You came to us when we needed you most, you brought so much life and happiness to our family. When you were excited every inch of your body would wiggle.
You were the most precious gift, you were with us through everything we have gone through and held so many memories for us. ♥️ Our hearts will never be the same without you my precious girl, you will always and forever be my best friend. ♥️ We love you always and forever ❤️


Our beautiful baby girl, sadly missed but loved for ever