Honey came into our lives when she was 15 yrs. She was found starving and matted and given to a rescue B3 rescue in the Tara area.
We soon learned that she had escaped from a puppy farm and needed a caring home to retire in. Honey gave us so much love and added something special to our home. She loved her food and treats and had a gorgeous tremor of her lower jaw when she was excited about receiving a treat. With the freedom of a doggy door, Honey came in and out of the house as she wanted to. On fine days she could be found under the Lemon tree, digging or relaxing.
Pluto and Honey had a fun filled relationship, often playing together and sleeping side by side in their beds.
Honey was almost 16 yrs when her life came to an end.
We miss her dearly and will always remember her with love.

On October 5, 2023