Tonight was the last night Shadow was with us. Even though I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to him in person, I knew this day was coming for a while. For over a year I treated every chance I had with him like it would be my last, and a random Saturday a few weeks ago, that was the case.
From being the only dog to not stop following me in his pen when he was a puppy 14 years ago, to being delivered to my mums shop and I couldn’t decide whether or not to call him Shadow or Krypto (which became evident when he would literally be someone’s shadow), to his many days with my late Pop,  which both of them would be just as excited to see the other every day, all the way to his last few years when it became harder to move and more lethargic and scared than usual.
He spent many of his final weeks inside at my parents house, constantly keeping an eye on my dad, or being a roadblock in the doorway into the house.
As tough as it all is, I know he lived a happy and thankfully full life. I have many memories with him and he will be dearly missed every single day. He wasn’t just a pet, he was a family member in every way possible, and nothing will be the same without him.
Fly high Shadow, we will miss you so much.