Darling beautiful little Sylvester.
Although you had only been with us for a wonderful 18 months, you will not pass unnoticed. We pray that you had passed well and peacefully, but more importantly that you have been given anything your large heart could desire. Your brother, Beau, has never been so distraught, however, we will continue loving one another and will attempt to move onwards knowing that you will always be here, in all our hearts and minds. Every step we take, every greenie packet we shake, we think of you with only the best of memories. While Beau has slowed down on the pace at which he consumes his treats, he has not stopped wandering to the water’s edge in your honour. We are not sure what is down there, but I’m sure that Beau knows, and that’s all that matters to us. We will not forget you! Our goals have only become strengthened by your passing, knowing you walk beside us. Darling Sylvester, the things we promise to do in your name… forever yours, Seb, Jenn and Beau.