When a pet passes away, it is a tragic event. You’ll be losing a member of the family. When they pass at home, it can be difficult to know what you should do next. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind.

Allow Other Pets To Sniff The Deceased

The loss of a pet isn’t just difficult for humans. It can also be hard for fellow pets to process. They might want to sniff the body of the deceased. This is how they confirm that their friend has passed away. They can then start the grieving process.

Burying Your Pet

Some people might prefer to bury their pets in the backyard. As long as you are the homeowner, this will be legal. You just need to make sure that you don’t bury your pet near a water source. If you are in a rental property, burial won’t be allowed. Similarly, you won’t be able to bury your pet in a public area. If you are planning on burying your pet, you should create a grave that is at least three feet deep. This will ensure that your pet’s remains will stay covered.

Organizing A Pet Cremation

Understandably, the loss of a family pet will be traumatic. The good news is that you don’t need to go through this process alone. Pets RIP will be able to come to your house and help move your pet to the funeral home, for the cremation process. At all times, your pet will be handled with the utmost respect.
Pets RIP can help organize a pet cremation, so you can say farewell to your friend. Following the cremation, you might want to choose an urn, to help you remember the good times you shared with your pet.

Call A Friend Or Family Member

The loss of a beloved pet will be difficult to process. Because of this, you might want to call a family member or friend. The first few days after losing a pet can be particularly difficult to cope with. A strong support network can help you get through the grieving process.


The loss of a pet is never easy. If your pet passes away at home, it can be particularly traumatic. Hopefully, these steps will make it easier for you to say goodbye to your beloved pet with the respect and dignity that they deserve.