
Our beloved and much loved Kelpie cross Murphy, you have shown us your kind nature and gentle soul.  May you run free now without pain and go chase those Hares and Plovers at top speed.  We will always remember you showing us your beautiful nature wanting to be by our side.


Eulogy: Missing you Kaiser old mate💙💙


Candy you came into our lives 14 years ago, as a 2yr old puppy and bonded to me right away and became my constant shadow, we had some great holidays together, you loved going “car car”, I still expect to see you greet me whenever I come home, or jump in the car to go for a ride. You are at peace now, and feel  no more pain. I miss you every day. RIP baby gir


To the one constant in my life… I don’t know what I will do without you my beloved boy. I am sure that the title “dog” comes from “God” and is spelt backwards just to remind us of uncontional love.

Bronson saved my life when he was just eight months old. He was so aware of my daughter’s illness that before she would seizure he would sit in front of her or push her into the back of the lounge so she would not fall off.. he actually dragged her to the toilet to me when she did seizure at one point..

He helped teach my granddaughter Mya Rose to walk by allowing her to pull on his ears or collar, and then he would stand so slowly to assist he up… he would then take very slow steps and she would toddle and wan Le beside him…

He would share the blankets and bed of his brothers and sisters and even when he farted they would never force him out of their bed.

Mitch Dooley Benny Dawson Beth Dawson Josh Dawson and Grace Dawson have all been so blessed to have you in their lives through their childhood and now in their early adulthood.

I do not know who I will share my breakfast with, who will keep me company all day and all night, who will make me laugh and who will lick away my tears when they fall. I don’t know how I will sleep without you and I am sure I will wake in the early morning despite not hearing you wake me so you can go to the toilet.  So I guess I no longer need a king bed as you won’t be taking up 3/4 of it but I’m sure I will roll over and wake because I cannot feel you near me…

My salon pooch has loved and been loved by every single person who walked through the door.

For those that have been blessed with Bronson’s  love and friendship, thank you for being kind and gentle with him, for accepting him, sharing your pats and snuggles and for just loving him.  The salon will never be the same.

I know a huge portion of my heart and the hearts of your human brothers and sisters will be missing, and I honestly believe it will never be filled the same again. Gone from this earth but never ever away from our hearts. For always you will be my Boo, my Bronson, my best friend who loved so unconditionally. ❤️ Forever the star that shined. The one constant in my life. How you touched our lives and imbedded yourself deep within our hearts. R.I.P. my beautiful boy. Always and forever my best friend.

Bronson 11/05/2012 – 28/04/2023


Cassius – you were one of a kind, a true gentleman and an amazing old soul.
I had 100% trust in you, 100% of the time.
11+ years was a good innings for a big bloke and we hope you enjoyed your peaceful, no stress life with us.

Cass Cass, Cassy, Cash..
Love you old mate, we are all missing you! 😔

April / Egga

April will be so dearly missed by us and our children – she was rescued from the pound in 2014 and has been with us through love and loss and was always a source of great comfort to us all. Her name was both our childrens’ first word. We are so lucky to have known her and will miss her terribly ♥️


We had you for 13 years, you came with us to 3 different states, multiple houses but you always sang me a song. When we finally moved back to sunny Qld in the lovely warm weather 2 weeks ago you sang from sunrise to sunset.
You were in our little family and I will miss you singing to me very very much. Love you heaps little guy xxx


Our beautiful Dottie.
25.12.07 – 17.08.23
You were our favourite hello and our hardest goodbye.
RIP beautiful ❤️


Goodbye our sweet little Fluffy (princess Waggletail) You came into our lives 13yrs ago after being hurt and abandoned as a puppy we have you a home but you have given us more such unconditional love so much Joy our hearts a breaking without many sweet memories of the sweetest little girl loved and cherished forever. We miss you Fluffy and always will run over the rainbow bridge and play with Dashy.



To our little man. We will miss you so much for ever you brought us so much love and joy Connor and lymier will never forget you best dog ever.