U came into our lives at 4 weeks old chip pure white bigger than little brown brother buddy.. we have shared so many things with u boys at our side kissing away any tears that came a long the way and excitement when we all laughing. .and cuddles when we were sad …you both gave us unconditional love ….we had kids leaving home..deaths .marriages. ..grandbabies you both adored them..to dad getting cancer and me getting hurt you looked after us everyone knew do not enter as my boys were on duty lol..then nearly 13 years old snake bites a dicky ear and oh dam cancer you both had the same and heartfailure….your bodies told us time had come… we said goodbye to on your beds at home you were treated with dignity and so much luv vip pet looked after your services and you both came home together….thats our little peice of mine your home again babies we will always hurt and miss you each and every day. . So go run free all the pain has healed.. bye sweet boys bye bye.

On April 27, 2020