Here at Pets R.I.P., your go to for pet cremation in Ipswich QLD and pet cremation in Sunshine Coast, we care about you and your pet. We would like to share with you, preventative measures that can be taken to protect your family pet from ticks.

Are you wondering if you are doing all that you can to protect your furry friend? If so, read on to discover some great tips that you can take in prevention from the very beginning.

Use a veterinarian approved preventative tick product

Tickborne diseases are common among pets, especially during peak seasons in some areas. Tickborne diseases that can be harmful to all animals and some to humans include: Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Bartonellosis, and more well-known diseases such as Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Fever. Effects of bites can include allergic reactions such as scratching from itching, hair loss, skin problems, anemia, and in rare cases even death if left untreated.

While there are no vaccines for these, there are many preventative treatments of repellents, pesticides, and growth inhibitors that are on the market. It is highly suggested that you speak with your local veterinary clinic for the best options that will help in protecting your pet.

Some products you may want to consider include:

Product Pros Cons
Tick Collars Long lasting

Over the counter

Ease of use

Not as cost effective
Topical Sprays Quick application

Over the counter

Ease of use

Kills on contact

Only offers protection during application

Not a preventative application

Only kills on contact

Shampoos Kills on contact

More on target defense

Kills fleas and ticks

Not a preventative application

Only kills on contact

Tablets Quick and easy to give to pets

Some last up to 3 months

Ticks must bite to have effect

Requires prescription

Must give regularly

Use all Preventative Medications as Instructed

Millions of animals are administered tick products daily, however, side effects can happen at any time. It is encouraged by the FDA to safely give all treatments as instructed and consult with a veterinarian. Tips on administering products safely include reading all labels and inserts carefully, as well as, going over any material that accompanies the product you choose. Furthermore, you should save all package just in case a problem does arrive, and you need to report anything.

If you have multiple pets, make sure that you treat all of them at the same time as some animals tend to groom one another.

Make sure you are always washing your hands after each application and keep all products out of the reach of small children.

Lastly, store all products away from food or any item that could contact someone’s mouth, such as pacifiers, toothbrushes, kitchenware, and inhalers.

Inspect your pet regularly

Did you know that it can take 7 to 21 for symptoms of tickborne diseases to show up? You should be very diligent in inspecting your pet thoroughly, especially following walks in heavy wooded or tall, grassy areas. Pay close attention to your animal’s feet, their underbellies, pits, under their tale, as well as facial areas such as lips, eyes, and ears. Pay close attention for any behavioral changes or changes in eating habits.

When checking your dog, be sure to part the fur all the way to the skin and feel for any bumps. You will also want to check around their collar as ticks can be well hidden.

Avoid Grassy or Heavily Wooded Areas

It is also a good idea to avoid grassy or heavily wooded areas. Ticks like thick vegetation since much of the time they are on the ground. However, they can crawl up on grass and shrubs. By staying clear of these areas with your pet, you are removing the possibility of ticks leaping from the tips of this vegetation and onto your pet.

Treat all pets at the same time

As mentioned previously, you should always treat multiple pets at the same time. Animals tend to groom one another, and the ticks can jump from animal to animal. To ensure that your entire home and premises are protected, everything needs to be maintained and treated at the exact same time.

Maintain Your Yard And Surrounding Premises

Using a pesticide on your yard can help in treating those difficult areas, especially if you have a larger area with a lot of tall grass. You should keep the grass always maintained and cut short. Never rely only on spraying the area to decrease the risks of infestation.

When using any product on your premises please follow all instructions of the packaging safely. If you are going to spray anything, you may want to consider whether there are any restrictions in your area. You can contact local health officials with any questions or concerns.

Things that you may want to consider are:

  • When would be the best time to treat your premises?
  • What type of pesticides can you safely use?
  • Are there any regulations that you should be following or paying attention to, especially in residential areas?

Following these simple steps can aid in protecting your pet. Don’t wait until it is too late. With just a little extra care your dog can be safer and tick free.

Pets R.I.P cares about you and your pet. Interested in reading more, check out our news page here.